Gudang Garam Professional Surya Pro
Surya Professional embodies a crossover of full flavor kretek filter and slim kretek cigarette, creating a totally distinctive smoking experience catered for urban setting. A perfect balance of kretek filter enjoyment and urban lifestyle.
This most popular cigarette brand is the evidence of Gudang Garam high quality products. Its excellent taste and flavor is a result of expert selection of ingredients and rigorous processing – expressed as the character of Gudang Garam International: Pria Punya Selera (“Taste of the Gallant”). In line with this concept, this cigarette is made for men having a tough personality, modern style and good appreciation of the real art of smoking.
The OLD pakcaging has been changed to Gudang Garam SuryaPro.

Surya Professional embodies a crossover of high quality tobacco and cloves, with a slimmer cigarette profile, creating a totally distinctive smoking experience catered for urban setting. A perfect balance of filtered-machine-made full flavor kretek enjoyment and urban lifestyle.
Gudang Garam Professional – 16 kretek premium cigarettes. 25 Mg Tar and 1.7 Mg Nicotine.
All cigarettes sold in store are NON FSC.
Ken –
I am a regular customer. After having a few issues with deliveries, Ciggiesworld has always took care of me.
Gregorio –
I have been smoking clove for 15 years, and hands down this is the best tasting. They are strong, but after smoking these, I cannot go back to Djarum black.
jackgck –
I placed my order on Feb 2nd and payment was confirmed 3-4 days later. A tracking number was given on Feb 15th. The package was received in Los Angeles on Feb 28th. From order to my doorstep was 26 days. No additional tax, duty, or postage payment was required. Signature is though (at least in USA.)
Gudang Garam Professional are great, while I was traveling in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) I smoked many of them. In my opinion they are leagues above Djarum Blacks in every way.
I do miss the old packaging style though. I was able to find that style in Vietnam (in 2019) but I’m guessing that just means they were old! The “Surya Pro” style has a graphic warning label and is generally not as iconic as the old one. Not a huge deal.
As for the cigarette, it’s probably just in my head but I believe it’s possible that the filters may have less “sauce” than the old style. That being said, they are still quite sweet, smell unbelievable, and are amazing cigarettes/kreteks overall.
In the past (2013ish) I was a big fan of Djarum Supers and LA Lights and while it’s been a long time since I’ve had those, I would put the GG Professionals above my memory of Supers as my favorite clove. It’s certainly close.
For me: my favorite cigarette. They are worth trying. Thank you for the delivery! Bring back the Djarum Menthols :D. I found those in Vietnam too!
Chris Graves –
I am so glad to be able to get these again! These are my absolute favorite Kretek ever! So fruity and smooth and the sauce leaves your lips tasting heavenly.
Kagan –
Love these cigs!!Their sweetness just delivers a pleasurable smoke every time.None better.
Anthony Seneck –
For the American smokers this is about the size of a marboro 72 maybe a little shorter and a littler thinner. All in all its a great little smoke with a very distinct spicy flavor way more then the Surya orginial and exclusive would love it if this was there size. Other than that these are a nice short smoke about 5 or 6 mins for me. Great for at work smoke breaks without going over like some of the others .
Anonymous –
clean and clovey
Paul –
Highly enjoyable. Sweet, crackling Kretek. I highly recommend over Djarum if you want a longer lasting experience.
mastercylinder69 –
Excellent cigarette. Similar to a Djarum Super.
Long –
These are much better than Djarum Blacks. More clove but yet sweet. I stopped smoking Djarum Blacks after trying these.