Wismilak Diplomat

(47 customer reviews)


SKU: 20816C90-SIN Categories: , ,


Wismilak Diplomat are premium filter cigarettes made ​​from a mixture of tobacco and best cloves to create that perfect taste of kretek.

A blend of finest quality tobacco and cloves which produce a perfect taste, offering a pride and satisfaction in smoking.

Filtered Clove Cigarettes 2.3 Mg Nicotine 39 Mg Tar.

1 carton contains 10 packs.

1 pack contains 16 cigarettes.

Additional information

Weight33 g

47 reviews for Wismilak Diplomat

  1. David S.

    Djarum menthol are great. Menthol is mild. Still tastes like Djarum blacks.

  2. Candice

    far to strong for me I am a smoker but to strong


    These are an unusual size. They are almost standard gauge and a bit longer that usual, similar to the kretek 16’s that were sold in the USA before the ban.

    They taste a bit harsh and a bit bubble-gummy. Very sweet filter. They are not bad but they are not my favorite.

  4. Codeine

    Probably the best cigarette I’ve smoked. My packaging experience wasn’t that great, but I’ll exclude that in my short review.

    They have a sweet, seasonal smell. With a dry pop, there’s definitely a cooling menthol flavor that instantly makes your tongue numb. Smoking it isn’t entirely different. I wouldn’t say there’s a full, sweet taste, as it’s still a cigarette, although it’s definitely present to some degree. The menthol gives the cigarette a cooling sensation, but also a “buttery” type of taste. They’re like little treats.

    Small cigarette, very thin, only 16 in the pack. However, the burning is so slow and it’s incredibly potent. It took me twice as long to smoke this in comparison to a regular menthol. I don’t recommend smoking this like a normal cigarette unless you want to be knocked on your ass. 4/5 stars because nothing deserves a 5/5.

  5. fkdagain

    Tastes and smells just like Christmas. It’s hard to believe these small cigarettes have more tar and nicotine than a normal cigarette. They’re a little bit shorter and thinner than what you might expect. Even the pack is.

    My pack entirely came apart. Not constructed very well. None of the cigarettes were damaged, although they were visibly banged up a bit and the pack was mildly banged up as well. This might not be the fault of the provider, but it still sucked. Also took nearly a month to get across the US.

    Overall: decent experience.

  6. xion

    I smoke Camel Menthol Greens and djarum Blacks. SO im a big fan of strong menthol ,I admit I prefer the plain blacks better but these are are a good kretek

  7. Dapung

    Great addition smoke. If you’re already feeling pretty good and you smoke a Black Menthol, then you’re gonna be awesome. Also leaves your lips tasting sugary

  8. Exlipse

    Djarum Menthol was actually the first pack of menthol cigarettes that I smoked. Since then, I’ve bought them a couple of times before, just to see if they’d be as good as I had remembered them years ago. Sadly, they never are. I don’t know if they changed the way they make them or if my tastes have changed. Also, they look like something a goth would smoke (no offense). Anyway, they aren’t bad, but considering that for the same price you can get one of many other menthol clove flavors that taste better (e.g Gudang Garam Signature Menthol) means that this one might not be an ideal flavor. If they were priced like a pack of Camels though they’d probably be the only thing I smoked.

  9. Smoker66

    the best flavoured smokes i’ve ever smoked. they’re not cheap, and not very strong, but their taste makes up for their price.

  10. Wesley

    not bad…stronger then the Djarum Lights and lasts longer as well, very tasty, mmmm and very pleasant after taste

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