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Weight | 33 g |
Silk cut Virginia and Burley tobaccos with a fresh fruity flavour.
Weight | 33 g |
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Richard Morris –
Djarum Coklat, great clove flavor, less sauce than Coklat Extra’s but this is offset by my preference for stronger clove flavor. Very satisfying smoking hand rolled kreteks. Kretek to Kretek variation is more noticeable than the Extras. (Tightness varies a little, flavor seems to have a slight variance. As expected in non-filtered, it’s a strong smoke. However, I experience no coughs or irritation in my lungs. Easy to chain smoke (which I do), but try to resist as they are bound to be not good for your health. As much as I like these, I rate them slightly less on my like ability scale than the Coklat Extra’s. This is due to the wonderful sauce on the Extras. Smoke times run 15 to 25 minutes. Number 2 in my choices Coklat Extra’s #1, Coklat #2, Djarum 76 #3