Mac Baren Grape Choice 20g

(10 customer reviews)


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SKU: MC85BR95-GR93PE Categories: , ,


Mac Baren Grape Choice – Explore the World of Mac Baren Rolling Tobacco.

Silk cut Virginia and Burley tobaccos with a sweet grape flavour.

Choice is a series of natural cigarette tobaccos which have been carefully enriched with different flavours. Our years of experience in adding taste to tobacco ensures a refined and authentic smoking experience.

Easy to roll by hand or in a quick fill injector.

Made by Mac Baren Tobacco Company Svendborg, Denmark.

Additional information

Weight33 g

10 reviews for Mac Baren Grape Choice 20g

  1. Russell

    Good for mixes

  2. Brett

    They had a pretty standard kretek taste and the smoke was pleasant. It was too generic to be considered great but it definitely was nice.

  3. kenny

    This is definitely a “fat” or thick cigarette. Comparable to Djarum Supers or Gudang Garam Surya 16. Flavor-wise, it doesn’t compare to either of those. This cigarette particularly was pretty bland-tasting. To counter it (to an extent), it had a nice thick body with a bit of that cigarette harshness (which I prefer)along with a nice looking pack.

    Flavor – 5/10
    Smoothness – 6/10
    Body – 9/10
    Packaging – 9/10

    Would I recommend these to someone? Probably not.

    Would I buy these again? Probably not.

  4. Bryan T.

    Words can barely describe how good the Mac Baren brand of “X Choice” flavours are. They’re crafted with a beautiful mix of long, stringy tobaccos Great for rolling your own, and this is my girlfriend’s choice for “poppers” (which I think are gross, lol). I sure wish they made cigarettes with this flavoured tobacco!

  5. Zac Diamond

    Great pouch, lovely grape flavour and smooth

  6. Brandon

  7. crazyfries05

    Please bring this back. Two of my favorites are out

  8. Selectivity

    Djarums new cigarette – full strength, full tar, full nic, full size; surely the culmination of all their experience! Without doubt the pinnacle of their work! … or at least, a really good Djarum!


    Unlit, the Djarum Clavo Premio Filter smells… well, the packaging and other materials seem to be pretty prominent in the “scent”. Other than that, it instantly reminded me very much of a Dji Sam Soe Magnum Filter, which is a great and very unique cigarette. The Clavo Filter, though, smells like a DSM MF that has had all the wonderful nuances and aromatic hints removed or toned down, and then, on top of that, simply been dialed down to 20% flavour strength.

    Smoking a Clavo Filter is an equally great disappointment. There is very, very, very little taste to it. Generic isn´t the word, and neither is bland – there simply isn´t much taste in it at all. Granted, the air was cold and dry when I smoked these, but other kreteks can take that and still be very tasty. I did get one Clavo smoked on a surprise warm and rainy day, and the taste did intensify somewhat, but it was still utterly weak and pointless.

    I really don´t get this cigarette. A full body, and all that tar and nic, and it´s a full size cigarette, yet it tastes like an extra-light kretek. A SLIM extra light kretek.

    Djarum Clavo Premio Filter is a truly pathetic offering from Djarum. Of course, it´s a well made cigarette, it doesn´t fall apart or anything, and it is smokable, but I mean, really, come on… everything about it is big, full, strong etc etc, except for the flavour, which belongs in a 0,4mg nic/5mg tar cigarette, or something like that. I want to give it one star, but I have to say it doesn´t actually taste bad, it just tastes very little. And it does give nicotine, I suppose…

    Ciggies World is fast, efficient and perfect as always. 10/10 for Ciggies World.

  9. forgottenmagpie

    I can’t say if this grape tobacco is good. I ordered it to try but received Apple flavour instead of grape.

  10. Lordofu

    Not much of a grape flavour, rolls well enough and is fairly smooth.

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