Gudang Garam Professional

(126 customer reviews)


SKU: 3CAFC2CD-SIN Categories: , ,


Gudang Garam Professional Surya Pro

Surya Professional embodies a crossover of full flavor kretek filter and slim kretek cigarette, creating a totally distinctive smoking experience catered for urban setting. A perfect balance of kretek filter enjoyment and urban lifestyle.

This most popular cigarette brand is the evidence of Gudang Garam high quality products. Its excellent taste and flavor is a result of expert selection of ingredients and rigorous processing – expressed as the character of Gudang Garam International: Pria Punya Selera (“Taste of the Gallant”). In line with this concept, this cigarette is made for men having a tough personality, modern style and good appreciation of the real art of smoking.

The OLD pakcaging has been changed to Gudang Garam SuryaPro.

Image for new Gudang Garam Professional
Gudang Garam Professional has been renamed to SuryaPro in 2016. This is to update the design of the packaging to look more contemporary.

Surya Professional embodies a crossover of high quality tobacco and cloves, with a slimmer cigarette profile, creating a totally distinctive smoking experience catered for urban setting. A perfect balance of filtered-machine-made full flavor kretek enjoyment and urban lifestyle.

Gudang Garam Professional – 16 kretek premium cigarettes. 25 Mg Tar and 1.7 Mg Nicotine.

All cigarettes sold in store are NON FSC.

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